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Emergency and Crisis situations are not predictable, and therefore the information contained in this guide, is to be used as a reference for your safety if an emergency event were to occur while you are on campus.

All Faculty, Staff and Students must take personal responsibility for their individual safety in any emergency situation.  Use this guide to help you prepare for such events by thinking about how you would react to the various emergencies listed in this booklet.  If an emergency were to occur, your own planning will prove invaluable by preparing you to react to the event in a calm and safe manner.  Become familiar with your surroundings, know the location of the emergency exits and emergency telephone number.  Think about your location and the primary and secondary exits available for your use in case you need to evacuate a building.


If you have any questions or comments concerning this document, please contact the Director of Strategic Initiatives and Risk Management:

Clark Alerts

Clark Alerts is an electronic message service that Clark will use as the primary notification system in emergency events.  Register for Clark Alerts and keep your information updated.

Learn more by viewing our FAQs


Clark uses the Clark SAFETY app (known as RAVE Guardian) to also provide an opportunity for two way communication during an emergency. The app also allows you to call University Police and other key Departments at a press of a button.  There are additional functions that will help you be safe and secure while you are in and around campus.

Download the RAVE Guardian app

Contact Information

Risk Management Office

Office Location
  • Risk Management
    Clark University
    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

    For inquiries, please contact Rhonda Podell at

Office Hours
  • Monday-Friday
    8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.